A wedding venue is a special place that will be cherished by you, your partner, and your guests for years to come. It is the venue that, in many aspects, sets the ambiance and gives unique emotions. Difficult to imagine a place that can be compared in beauty and natural diversity with the wonderful Tuscany, the Italian center of winemaking and incredible cuisine. We have collected for you the top 15 venues where your wedding will be unforgettable.
Loc. Belagaggio, 19 53049
Montefollonico – Torrita di Siena
(provincia di Siena Toscana)
Tel.: +39 0577 669733 – +39 0577 669598
Mob.: +39 338 9905224
WhatsApp: +39 0577 669733
Fax: +39 0577 669598
Email: info@belagaggio.it
Pacchetto Pasqua
Con un pernottamento minimo di 3 notti, avrai incluso la colazione, 2 cene e il pranzo di Pasqua.